Friday, May 4, 2007

tag clouds for first republican debate had done this for the democratic debate and it was interesting. here's the republican side from last night's opening clusterfuck 2008.

I was joking last night before even seeing these that Gilmore's would show "consistent conservative" pretty prominently. Looks like I was right! (Though I overestimated his message discipline - he had too many equally weighted words for the consistent conservative message to come through as prominently as I thought. Calls into question the true utility of the tag cloud though... as while he was speaking, at least to me, these words, along with other con- words for thematic effect, came up so much as to be laughable.)

Contrast that to Rudy "Did I say I was mayor of New York" Guliani and Mitt "America and Americans" Romney. Overall, a nightmarish field of crazy and crazier, with nobody except earnest libertarian oddball Ron Paul having any kind of critique of the way things have been going. To look at them, you get only sunny optimism.

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