Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hong Kong universities developing history curriculum

Just saw on the faculty listserv an annoucement that Fulbright and Hong Kong universities are offering fellowships to go and help overhaul their gen ed courses in preparation for changing to a 4-year school. From their outline it sounds like they're looking for more experience and I wouldn't have a shot. But the description from HKGEI interested me in that it prompts some good thoughts about the goals of a gen ed world civ course.

I especially liked their

The Value of Liberal Arts/General Education
HKGEI is based on the belief that the purpose of a liberal arts/general education curriculum is to:

• Provide students with knowledge and understanding of the challenges that threaten global stability, such as climate change and global warming, public health, unequal resource utilization and distribution of wealth, and religious and ethnic conflict.

• Help students to achieve target learning outcomes and competencies, skills such as communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurship, information technology, and collaboration and cooperation.

• Enable students to question values that are contrary to those that promote self-responsibility, tolerance, and moral behavior; and to reinforce values and attitudes that motivate people to actively engage in activities aimed at solving personal, inter-personal, community, and global problems.
These would all be good to add in the intro lecture.

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