Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Fort Dix terror plot foiled

Terrorists plan to attack Fort Dix and shoot up as many soldiers as possible. (CNN story) They're caught and foiled. How were they caught? They were dumbasses!
[A]n employee of a store told the FBI someone had brought a "disturbing" video to be duplicated.

The video "depicted 10 young men who appeared to be in their early twenties shooting assault weapons at a firing range in a militia-like style while calling for jihad and shouting in Arabic 'Allah Akbar,'" Arabic for 'God is Great,' the affidavit said.

I wonder if they were just fooling around and making stupid jokes. What idiots would make a tape like that and then turn it into a store so others could see it? And who would target a military base for their attack? In other words -- targets who have massive amounts of firepower!! Doesn't sound like jihadist m.o. to me. In any case, the government is treating it seriously, as they should.

As the Carpetbagger Report says (citing someone else -- my are these blog things an endless rabbit hole of links!):
[T]oday’s success was due to intelligence gathering and law-enforcement efforts — the very techniques the Bush White House has consistently ridiculed as ineffective in counterterrorism. For that matter, as Steve M. noted, “[A]pparently no warrantless wiretapping led to these arrests, no torture of suspects in overseas prisons, nothing liberals have objected to in the Patriot Act. Remember that when you’re told that these arrests prove that we can’t trust liberals and Democrats.”
The author is also not sure, citing CNN and others, that these guys were all they're cracked up to me. Great chain cite of all the former "very serious plots" that failed to pan out once they were made public.

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