Thursday, May 3, 2007


The Claremont Review of books - conservo-fascist answer to the NYRB maybe - comes out with one of the more honest defenses of having a Fuehrer on top the American system. Because the law doesn't know how to enforce itself, and we need a Machiavellian Great Leader with "energy" to defend the rule of law. By breaking laws. Or something. Sick sick sick.

Of course, this is the organization that thinks Rumsfeld is Churchill, and has a Jonah Goldberg review of Dinesh D'Sousza's antidemocratic screed. Funny that in the review he denies that the Muslims embrace democracy - because they would rather have the very same executive power that the idiot in the previous story was touting.
[A]s he concedes, groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah have only called for more democracy because they know "their group can win." Embracing elections so you can gain power and keep it permanently is not quite the same thing as embracing democracy. Every party, including the Nazis, gushes about democracy when it wins an election, but constitutional government means abiding by the rules when you lose an election. One man, one vote, one time, is not democracy; it's will-to-power masquerading as ritualized lever-pulling.
Imagine that, a valid historical comparison to the Nazis! Too bad Goldberg and D'Sousza don't look in the mirror and see the will-to-power in their own party.

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