Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Millenial Makeover

Title of a new book, "Millenial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube, and the Future of American Politics". Based on the Strauss & Howe generational cycle theories.

Interview with MyDD here. But don't get too optimistic that it's going to make things better:
Writing in The Fourth Turning in the 90's, Strauss and Howe suggested that there would be an initial shock to signal the beginning of a new era early in this decade, but that the real crisis would occur years later. So if 9/11 was only the foreshock of the emergence of a new era, there could be much worse things to come either in this year or later ones.
F---ing great.

UPDATE: Also today comes a chart of "The GOP's Generational Time Bomb". So the mushroom cloud has a silver lining.

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