Friday, April 25, 2008

I hate Illinois Nazis...

....but the Republican candidate for IN-2 LOOOOOVES THEM!!!

C&L has the video here:
On Sunday, Tony Zirkle, a Republican candidate for Indiana’s 2nd District, took time out from saving the economy by shredding vintage Playboys (of course!) so he could attend a 119th birthday celebration for Adolf Hitler. He claims he was only there to talk about his experience as a state’s attorney in Indiana, his wacky theories about pornography, and to preach the gospel, so of course his being there had absolutely nothing to do with his segregation plan that would allow blacks to “have six states, so instead of having one half-black senator, well they would have 12.
The Bilerico Project (Indiana politcal blog) has Zirkle's lame excuses and also some video here.

South Bend Tribune:
During a news conference Monday afternoon, Zirkle said he accepted an invitation to address the group to spread his anti-pornography message.

An account of the gathering on says "Zirkle spoke on his history as a state's attorney in Indiana, prosecuting Jewish and Zionist criminal gangs involved in trafficking prostitutes and pornography from Russia and the Zionist entity.''
Lovely how consistent the Nazi message is over 80 years -- Jewish Commie Darkie Homos are after your women and destroying your families!!!!

Northwest Indiana Times:
A congressional candidate is defending his speech to a group celebrating the anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birth, saying he appeared simply because he was asked.

Tony Zirkle, who is seeking the Republican nomination in Indiana's 2nd District, stood in front of a painting of Hitler, next to people wearing swastika armbands and with a swastika flag in the background for the speech to the American National Socialist Workers Party in Chicago on Sunday.

"I'll speak before any group that invites me," Zirkle said Monday. "I've spoken on an African-American radio station in Atlanta."
Yeah, because that's comprable...

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