Wednesday, September 10, 2008

rally disruption

McCain cuts speech short due to chanting Obama supporters who were in the area. Media is playing it like he's weak and lost without his gal Palin. Ha.

After lunching with a roundtable of women at Philadelphia’s Down Home Diner, McCain shook hands with supporters and strode up to a podium to deliver a statement. But as he spoke, chants of “Obama, Obama, Obama” filled the room.

Reporters craned forward trying to hear the Arizona senator. Unfortunately for McCain — and possibly overlooked by aides who planned the event — a section of the diner opened up to a market where a crowd had gathered behind a cordon.

Also, this might be the time to link to Adam Kokesh, the "revolutionary patriot" and Vets Against the War member who busted up McCain's acceptance speech. The video linked has some comments on why he disrupted the speech - McCain refused to meet with veterans' groups or discuss their concerns. ("At least Obama pretended to listen" he says) So he decided to deliver an alternate message. Some of his ideas get pretty threatening unfortunately, but looking at things through his eyes, I would be pretty pissed off too.

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