Monday, July 30, 2007

Tillman's diary

Pat Tillman's death is still in the news.

But here's another interesting detail: He kept a diary. And his diary was destroyed after his death. That's evidence alone that something was fishy. And it almost gets you to believe the conspiracies that he was killed on purpose... if not by Bush's many minions (which I doubt), then by someone in his unit who did something he didn't want made known. We may never know, which is exactly how they wanted it.

For some reason this makes me feel even worse than when I heard of his death in the first place. I guess because I never would have met him, and so he as a person is somewhat disembodied. But a book he would have published, or had published after his death, is far more real to me. I've read so many war diaries, autobiographies, veterans' novels, etc ... so losing this one is like one of those never existed. Would this have been another All Quiet on the Western Front? A Jarhead? Catch 22? Slaughterhouse Five? Adventures of a Simpleton? The world will never know.

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