Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hitler art

Article from Die Zeit (bad translation here; or maybe it was just a clunkily written article) about current totalitarian chic in German art and letters.

Talks a lot about artist Jonathan Messe, who decorated an exhibit of his once with a photo of Adolf above his own, labeled "Vater". (current exhibition in Frankfurt's Schirn Kunsthalle here.) Not very impressive to my mind... it's like he saw "Seven" and decided to throw a bunch of shit together to shock people without actually meaning anything.

More interesting is Christian Kracht, whose new work of fiction Metan "deals with primates, the atom bomb, white people and a secret power." Some kind of centuries-spanning conspiracy theory about a force (metan) that wants to control the world. Could be interesting to check out... of course, many reviews have panned it. Parody at best, Quatsch at worst seems to be the consensus.

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