Tuesday, January 26, 2010

US Grant

Better than advertised? Some re-assessments going on. Basically, if we think he was bad it's because of revanchist Lost Cause bullshit dominating the history. So sad.

One random (but good) writer, Nathan Newman:
But with the end of Reconstruction, we have seen history written to bury most memories of the period and assassinate the reputations of those who led it-- including Grant. There were real accusations of corruption among Grant's cabinet, although no one believes Grant himself was corrupt, but those charges of corruption appear relatively minor in light of far worse corruption in many administrations to come. But saying Grant was "corrupt" became an easy offhand way to dismiss his Presidency and Reconstruction at the same time. Even today, there are NO great films honoring reconstruction, just racist anti-Reconstruction films like Gone With the Wind and even modern documentaries like Ken Burns' Civil War only mentions accusations of corruption In Grant's administration -- without a single mention of his vigorous fight against Klan Violence.
TNR: The Return of Ulysses S Grant, a review of a new bio by Joan Waugh. ("Grant’s standing began to erode drastically after 1920 owing to several currents, cultural and intellectual, that emerged from diverse quarters.")


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