Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday links I: Boston Massacre and the Rule of Law

Publis at OW muses about the John Adams series and its depiction of the Boston Massacre:
Mankind hasn’t really changed that much since we've emerged from the forest. Passions have consumed us for as long as there have been men. We saw it in the French Revolution. We saw it in the Russian Revolution. We saw it in Boston in 1770 when British officials were swept up and tortured with burning tar (a scene the HBO series chillingly portrays). And we saw it in 2002 when America rushed mob-like into war in a matter of weeks, based entirely on falsehoods and misguided assumptions.
He uses it as a platform to talk about judicial review, the importance of judiciary and the rule of law. I'll just link this to remind me that the scene can be a good one to show in a future class.

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