Monday, February 4, 2008

generational theory of Obama

Morley Winograd and Michael Hais have ripped off the Strauss-Howe generational thing and are pimping their own generational theories about American politics. It sounds so great until you look into it... then it becomes way too simplistic and massaged to fit the narrow reality of the late 20th century.

This WaPo op-ed might make interesting assignment for its practical applications. ("The Boomers Had Their Day: Make Way for the Millennials") Even if it is idiotic:
Nor does the millennials' rhetoric reflect the cynicism and alienation of Generation X, whose philosophy is, "Life sucks, and then you die."
Thanks, boomers. Way to swallow a stereotype you created and think it's true. Part of the problem with hyping the Millennial Generation's takeover at this moment in time is that we GenXers get our turn at bat first. What happened to us? Oh, I guess our boundless cynicism removes us from the equation altogether. We are "reactive" "nomads" who don't trust anybody, are just out for ourselves, and I suppose can't be bothered to get involved in politics at all.

The whole project is just so fuzzy on terms and definitions as to make it worthless... just like the "historical" model it's based on.

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