Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Haynes -- out!

As Hilzoy says, the witch is dead!! For one rare moment, one of Bush's lawless lackeys finally has to leave government service. The story that got him out was The Nation's account of how he fixed the show trial process for Gitmo detainees. But his evil goes far deeper:
Haynes led the working group that wrote one of the most appalling torture memos (pdf). This memo argues that the President "enjoys complete discretion in the exercise of his Commander-in-Chief authority", and that "In light of the President's complete authority over the conduct of war, without a clear statement otherwise, criminal statutes are not read as infringing on the President's ultimate authority in these areas." Also: "Any attempt by Congress to regulate the interrogation of unlawful combatants would violate the Constitution's sole vesting of the Commander-in-Chief authority in the President." (p. 23) Or, in other words: when we're at war, the President does not have to obey the law.
And Hilzoy ends with a delightful anecdote about how this creep argued for bombing bird nests on the grounds that it would 1) make the fewer remaining ones more special, and 2) reduce human intrustion into their habitat, which would have become a bombing range. Classy. Hilzoy again:
May William Haynes enjoy a pleasant retirement as far away from the law as it is possible to be. He has already done more than enough damage to it for several lifetimes.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Don't usually quote in entirety, but this is too precious. From kos:


Top Republican strategists are working on plans to protect the GOP from charges of racism or sexism in the general election, as they prepare for a presidential campaign against the first ever African-American or female Democratic nominee.

The Republican National Committee has commissioned polling and focus groups to determine the boundaries of attacking a minority or female candidate, according to people involved. The secretive effort underscores the enormous risk senior GOP operatives see for a party often criticized for its insensitivity to minorities in campaigns dating back to the 1960s.

Step one: stop being racist. Appearing less racist then becomes less of a challenge.

Report itself is of possible utility in discussions of republican party's long-term racism.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

right-wing outrage tactic #347

Straight outta the Beauchamp experience, righty bloggers go straight for the accusations of lying and treachery whenever a military source steps up with a story they don't like. Hilzoy posting over at AS has a good roundup of the fallout from Obama's debate statement, which referenced:
an Army captain, who was the head of a rifle platoon, supposed to have 39 men in a rifle platoon. Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24, because 15 of those soldiers had been sent to Iraq. And as a consequence, they didn't have enough ammunition; they didn't have enough humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief.
So because this has unpleasant connotations for the conduct of this wonderful war, the captain has to be destroyed. Hilzoy hits on an important aspect of the situation:
[C]onsider two things. First, the bloggers I quoted above are accusing this unnamed Captain of lying. It's not exactly clear why they think the Captain lied, or why he would go on lying to various TV networks, but that's what Curt, Rusty, and the gang seem to think. And why do they think this? For the most part*, they cite claims like this (from Ace): "Milbloggers say the platoon is the basic organic unit of the army, and troops are never picked out of a platoon to serve elsewhere", or this (from one of Steve Spruiell's correspondents): "units as small as platoons are not pulled apart like that." That is: claims that the sorts of things the Captain described never happen.
And as H says, such claims are generally problematic. ("I think that any claim of the form "X never, ever happens" are generally dubious when made about an organization as large as the US Army. They are especially dubious when made about the Army in wartime.") And so they emerge out of wish fulfillment and a desire to deny reality, more than an honest engagement with the issues. It's their same, basic reaction to Beauchamp: This couldn't happen. Blanket denial rather than actual research. And whether or not any specific instance plays out, this can never happen is hardly a mature standpoint from which to debate.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

missiles fire! satellite shootdown roundup

Pentagon puts shooting off b/c bad weather. (MSNBC)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Belgians in the Congo

A reporter for Time Magazine apparently has found the one black guy who misses whitey ("Come Back, Colonialism, All is Forgiven"):
Le Blanc and I are into our 500th kilometer on the river when he turns my view of modern African history on its head. "We should just give it all back to the whites," the riverboat captain says. "Even if you go 1,000 kilometers down this river, you won't see a single sign of development. When the whites left, we didn't just stay where we were. We went backwards."
Now that's myopia for you! Assign in conjunction with HoD.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

no more anonymity

This article in Popular Science describes a guy's experiment to try living off the grid and leaving as little personal information in his wake as possible. His conclusions: it is no longer possible to do this.
Donald Kerr, the principal deputy director of National Intelligence, who proclaimed in a speech last October that “protecting anonymity isn’t a fight that can be won.” Privacy-minded people have long warned of a world in which an individual’s every action leaves a trace, in which corporations and governments can peer at will into your life with a few keystrokes on a computer. Now one of the people in charge of information-gathering for the U.S. government says, essentially, that such a world has arrived.
The reporter's own experiment follows that setup.

Obama 1995

The Chicago Reader reprints a 1995 article about Obama, then about to run for state Senate. The consistency in his principles, political philosophy, and organizing techniques are astonishing. It's almost like they result from his actual beliefs and not political calculation! Amazing!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

T-Rex cock!

Yes, that is an accurate description of this NYT article. ("A Tyrannical Romance" by Olivia Judson) It describes some thoughts on how you can read social behavior from sexual traits. Works for humans, works for dinos... kinda.

Monday, February 11, 2008

more on political generations

As the Obama youth revolution kicks into high gear, some more thoughts on GenY/GenMe/Millennial Generation politics in the American Prospect. It responds to the work of psychologist Jean M. Twenge (Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled -- and More Miserable Than Ever Before), which paints the kids as narcissistic and self-absorbed. The author discusses a UC-Davis study refuting that, and adds:
It's no surprise that our generation is voting for Obama in the Democratic primary by margins of two to one. We're hungry for someone to tell us that change is up to us, that we have a place in the public sphere, that we have to look up from our computer screens, roll up our sleeves, and get involved in the hard work of citizenship. It's more than his oratorical gifts that inspire us, the young and skeptical; it's his insistence that we are ready for a paradigm shift in politics and within ourselves.
A good commentary. Also speaks to some of my recent thoughts on Generation X and how we've been overlooked in politics, sandwiched in between the reigning Boomers and rising Millennials. It's because nothing was ever asked of us. Politics for our adult lives were at first a joke about stained blue dresses, then a tragedy overseen by shady established powers immune to influence by a generation just entered into adulthood. We wanted to be called to a mission on 9/11, but our leaders never asked challenged us except with expectations of base and mindless obedience. But where was the challenge to engage? Where was the call for civic service?

Friday, February 8, 2008

quite a lot of experience

Reuters relays Prince Andrew's dissatisfaction with Bush's approach to war and occupation. You mean that Britain had a long imperial history, and that we could have asked advice on how to handle things? Naaaah.
"If you are looking at colonialism, if you are looking at operations on an international scale, if you are looking at understanding each other's culture, understanding how to operate in a military insurgency campaign -- we have been through them all," he said. "We've won some, lost some, drawn some," he told the International Herald Tribune.

"The fact is there is quite a lot of experience over here which is valid and should be listened to."
Breach in tradition for him to speak out this way. But a good point that is hard to dispute.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Beauchamp lesson plan

A comparative occupations course would do well to consider the unique problems of occupation in a media age. Media policy and control have always been useful in war, but today in Iraq they present doubled difficulty. Each soldier can also be a reporter -- sometimes without knowing it, simply through their cameraphones. The Scott Thomas Beauchamp affair of 2007 is a natural case study for this problem. This is my effort at a comprehensive link collection to guide a student through the affair using the original documents.

The initial TNR piece ("Shock Troops") was a war story out of occupied Iraq in which the pseudonymous narrator and other soldiers make mean-spirited comedy out of the tragedy surrounding them. A roundup post at Obsidian Wings chronicles the outrage that ensued. (TNR links are tricky; I tried to get stable ones. If they fail over time, check the issues for July-August, October, December 2007.) The roundup is two weeks after publication, and Thomas has just revealed himself as a soldier... The right had at first denied his very existence, as they had with Iraqi police captain Jamil Hussein.

In the middle phase, as Private Thomas' story is challenged in the media and by the Army, some left-academic blogs revealed a connection between this single incident and the larger context of the right's "One Endless Rathergate". (Jon Swift provided a comprehensive roundup of winger crybabiness).

To get a flavor of the venom slung during the exchanges, you have to go into the original red-side posts. Glen later chronicled the National Review and respectable-right media's reactions (in the context of wondering why they were later excusing plagiarism in their own ranks.) Example:
They repeatedly posted one self-righteous attack on TNR after the next over what they insisted was TNR's reckless, even deliberate, deceit. They re-printed a vicious anti-TNR rant by Charles Krauthammer, first published in The Washington Post, in which Krauthammer accused TNR of publishing the Beauchamp stories only because "it fits perfectly into the most virulent narrative of the antiwar Left."
For the intelligent left, some of the comments on threads like these are just gold. It's an amazing new world when there is so much expertise on so many subjects available for exchange. One former military guy expresses what's been my take all along (without the real-world cred to back it up, but hey, I read a lot):

Having spent 22 years in the Army, I can say with some emphasis that there is almost nothing that most privates, and NOTHING that some privates, won't do, including incredibly stupid, hitting-self-in-head-with-hammer type of things. So the idea that this stuff didn't happen because "they wouldn't do it"? don't make me laugh.

And remember, you're talking about a bunch of 19-year-old guys with guns in a pretty much broken down Third World country. If your squad leader/PSG/1SG are weak, bored, stupid or distracted? Let the fun begin!

There's an epilogue to the affair in which the Army puts STB on lockdown, conducts a bunch of interviews and concludes that they cannot verify the stories -- on which they are pronounced an illegitimate leftist plot... by the supposedly left-leaning TNR.

TNR did their investigation, the story held up. Their statement in the August 2 issue had a revealing last bit:
Although we place great weight on the corroborations we have received, we wished to know more. But, late last week, the Army began its own investigation, short-circuiting our efforts. Beauchamp had his cell-phone and computer taken away and is currently unable to speak to even his family. His fellow soldiers no longer feel comfortable communicating with reporters.
They followed this up with a "Scott Beauchamp Update" in October as this thing was still going on. It underscores the broader significance of the episode for the manipulation of the media by an unchecked executive fighting a counterinsurgency in a media age.
The New Republic is deeply frustrated by the Army’s behavior. TNR has endeavored with good faith to discover whether Beauchamp’s article contained inaccuracies and has repeatedly requested that the Army provide us with documentary evidence that it was fabricated or embellished. Instead of doing this, the Army leaked selective parts of the record—including a conversation that Beauchamp had with his lawyer—continuing a months-long pattern by which the Army has leaked information and misinformation to conservative bloggers while failing to help us with simple requests for documents.

Glen Greenwald wrote on the Army's selective leaking of documents to right-wing bloggers (while they at the same time withheld them from TNR's FOIA request), a move right out of the Bush administration playbook. Glen fears that the Army under Petraeus is getting as politicized as everything else under Bush's influence.

A few days later Glen received "a bizzare, unsolicited email" from Petraeus' spokesman. (He's posted the full text here.) But Glen noted that this was no refutation:

Col. Boylan does not deny the central point of my post, because he cannot: namely, throughout the Beauchamp matter, the U.S. Army has copied almost exactly the standard model used by the Republican Party's political arm in trying to manage news for domestic consumption: namely, they deny access to the relevant information only they possess while selectively leaking it to the most extremist and partisan elements of the right-wing noise machine: in this case, the Drudge Report, Weekly Standard, and right-wing blogs.
(Another aspect of the story is the military's cooperation with right-wing bloggers in the persecution of Jamil Hussein, who is still being held without charges 1.5 years after the Malkin flying monkey brigade first fingered him as a terrorist-sympathizing reporter. The same tactics are even more effective against foreign journalists trying to operate in occupied Iraq.)

Glen concluded:
I would think Col. Boylan would have more important matters to attend to than writing me emails about how Alan Colmes is the "real talent" and how I lack the balls to go visit him in Iraq -- beginning with finding out who has been working secretly with right-wing outlets in the Beauchamp and Bilal Hussein matters, if he does not already know. The linchpin of a republic under civilian rule -- as well as faith in the armed services by a cross-section of Americans -- is an apolitical military. Like all other branches of the government intended to be apolitical, this linchpin is eroding under this administration, and that ought to be of far greater concern to Boylan and Petraeus than hurling petty insults.
Later, hilarious denials from the Colonel that he sent the email. Snotty, dismissive tone that
stands in stark contrast to the extremely eager and cooperative conduct in which they engage when passing on information to the right-wing blogs and pundits whose political views are apparently aligned with theirs. That takes us back to the first and most important point -- the U.S. military, which has an obligation to conduct itself apolitically and professionally, appears in many cases to be doing exactly the opposite.
All that's in Glen's blog linked above. John Cole posted here on the issue, highlighting the long-term danger to our democracy that this implies. Politics is being outsourced to veterans and officers who cannot be criticized, and a significant segment of the officer corps seems likely to go along with a brewing Dolchstosslegende should we ever abandon the occupation.

TNR retracted the story on a technicality -- it turned out one of the fact-checkers for it was STB's wife. According to their final account of the investigation showed, under weeks of pressure from both TNR and the Army, small cracks began to appear in the story. (Such as the fact that Iraqi driving liscences have no organ donor status about which to joke. STB admitted he added the detail as a joke.) There are real issues here about journalistic standards, but none of them touched the major points of the piece. But journalistic misdemeanors like these were a way for TNR to avoid the felony charge of treasonous reporting, to which they now tacitly pled guilty.

In the end, Army collaborated with right-wing bloggers to ruin
personally and publicly an American citizen whose words could be taken as harmful to the cause of the occupation. STB's act of free speech (leaving aside, for the moment, his technical loss of constitutionally protected speech while in uniform) did not even contain political content. No political party was named, no individual politician or officer called on the carpet. No policies criticized. It was a war story -- a banal one, even, to those who have read the literature of war since 1914. But the administration well knows the anti-war and anti-occupation political consequences of showing the true face of these beasts. And so this media generation's war stories must be carefully controlled not to criticize war and occupation, but to support it.

True believers of the Army line consigned Thomas himself to the category of lair and denied him any present or future in national conversation. They gained another reason to ignore unpleasant stories in the "liberal media" of which they believed TNR to be a part. And they demonstrated to soldiers on the ground that they could only speak if their words matched propaganda.

And this of course is the goal of the right-wing outrage machine: to silence real reports coming out of Iraq so that all we have to rely on is official truth. This allows them to control the message coming out of the occupation zone. They can then continue to justify the occupation by planting hopes of success and eliminating images of violence.

Monday, February 4, 2008

generational theory of Obama

Morley Winograd and Michael Hais have ripped off the Strauss-Howe generational thing and are pimping their own generational theories about American politics. It sounds so great until you look into it... then it becomes way too simplistic and massaged to fit the narrow reality of the late 20th century.

This WaPo op-ed might make interesting assignment for its practical applications. ("The Boomers Had Their Day: Make Way for the Millennials") Even if it is idiotic:
Nor does the millennials' rhetoric reflect the cynicism and alienation of Generation X, whose philosophy is, "Life sucks, and then you die."
Thanks, boomers. Way to swallow a stereotype you created and think it's true. Part of the problem with hyping the Millennial Generation's takeover at this moment in time is that we GenXers get our turn at bat first. What happened to us? Oh, I guess our boundless cynicism removes us from the equation altogether. We are "reactive" "nomads" who don't trust anybody, are just out for ourselves, and I suppose can't be bothered to get involved in politics at all.

The whole project is just so fuzzy on terms and definitions as to make it worthless... just like the "historical" model it's based on.