Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The 935

Countless lies that got us into Iraq? No, 935 of em.

And actually, if you check the study from the Center for Public Integrity and the Fund for Independence in Journalism, the way they limited the study means there were actually thousands more. The 935 only includes (methodology link here):
  • public statements from eight top officials (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, Rumsfeld, Fleischer, McClellan, and Wolfowitz)
  • statements about Iraq's possession of WMDs and its relationship to Al Quaeda
  • statements for which dates are known
Most emphatically, the study OMITS "indirect lies" in which they do not directly say something false, but rather convey the same misinformation through implication or inference.

...and also does not include the thousands on thousands of cases in which other Republican warmongers, pseudo-Democratic cowards, and compliant media lapdogs repeated these lies. So the power of each lie is magnified.

This is the point Rachel Maddow just made on Countdown, who added that the timing of deception implies a concerted effort -- the number of lies spiked across the eight during strategic points at which they needed to sell the war.

And OMG it's even searchable!!

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