Friday, October 5, 2007

undercover with the KC Klan

Brave reporter from the Kansas City alt-newsweekly The Pitch goes undercover with the Klan and the NSM. (Peter Rugg, My Secret Life in the Klan) Seems like the group's been stuffing copies of the paper with their own propaganda flyers, which then makes people think the paper's allowing racist advertising, etc. Funny bits in the story, but also scary of course, and very much playing up the element that these guys think they're normal, loving Christians, good neighbors, etc.

The story includes a sound file of the phone call in which the reporter informs his source of what's really going on. It's riveting to hear how this guy reacts - "I have a family; I'm just trying to raise my kids." "I didn't think the Pitch was gonna get that pissed about it." He's also paranoid about the Klan/NSM finding out he talked... "I guess I'm just SOL."

Found this through the invaluable Dave Neiwert, whose post on it includes some links to recent neo-Nazi gatherings (which have no always been well-attended).

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